The electricity grid: powering the energy transition Image

The power mix will need to change significantly between now and 2050, but what do technology options and constraints mean for material demand, emissions and the climate? CRU’s Power Transition Service along with CRU’s Sustainability and Emissions Service help subscribers understand and prepare for the future.

The global power mix will change significantly between now and 2050 but how much will depend on technology readiness, costs, policy and demand. We will discuss the rationale behind our forecast with reference to these factors.  A changing power mix will certainly include more solar and wind power. We will discuss the optimal mix of technologies and implications for metals demand. Our current forecast suggests the world is on a >2.5 degree warming pathway. How might the world achieve the 2 degree warming target and what does this imply for technology and materials demand?  

We will address aspects of the following questions: 

•How will the power mix change to 2050? 

•How will a changing power mix affect material demand? 

•How will a changing power mix affect emissions and climate? 

•What is some content that is included in the CRU Power Transition Service and CRU Sustainability and Emissions Service? 

Additionally, subscribers will: 

•Better understand the interlinkages between technology options, costs, emissions and climate targets. 

Please take this opportunity to register for the Wire and Cable Conference which takes place 24-26 June, Amsterdam - CLICK BELOW


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