Data - Prices and Indices

CRU Data - Prices and Indices

Trusted prices powered by unrivalled market knowledge

We provide trusted commodity price benchmarks, backed by our analysts’ deep understanding of market fundamentals and dynamic analysis capabilities. We offer comprehensive commodity prices coverage across various sectors including steel, aluminium, battery materials, base metals, fertilizers and optical fibre supply chains. Additionally, our low emissions premia for steel, aluminium and fertilizers are informed by our extensive emissions analysis.

Our commitment to integrity ensures that CRU prices are underpinned by robust and transparent methodologies. We adhere strictly to IOSCO Principles and relevant NDRC rules for Chinese commodity prices, having conducted independent IOSCO third-party assurance reviews and audits of our data providers. Our US Midwest hot-rolled coil price is a benchmark that settles billions of dollars in physical and financial derivative contracts.

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Data flow representation

Reliable and transparent

CRU prices are enriched by a vast global market intelligence network, encompassing buyers, sellers, traders and other critical market participants. Our price benchmarks serve essential customer use cases, including contract settlement, negotiation support, margin management, market analysis and comprehensive internal and external reporting.

We also provide timely five-year and longer-term forecasts for all key commodity prices, supported by rigorous cost and supply/demand analysis as well as robust forecasting methodologies. Furthermore, our CRU DataLab tool offers advanced data interrogation, visualization and API functionality, enabling effective data management and integration into in-house systems for efficient, data-driven decision-making.

Join us and benefit from our unrivalled market knowledge, ensuring you have the most reliable and transparent commodity price benchmarks available to you.

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