- Data
- Insight
- Strategy
- Strategy Development
- Valuation
- Negotiation Support
- Sustainability
- Expert Witness
- Consultants
- Case Studies
- Potash Market Entry Study
- Lenders due diligence study for a Middle Eastern vanadium production plant
- Minerals for Modern Sustainable Lifestyle Case Study
- ESG and portfolio diversification case study
- Product marketing and raw materials sourcing strategy for a new aluminium smelter
- End Use Copper Product Demand from Electrification Trends
- Sulphuric Acid Supply Study
- Mineral Diversification Strategy
- Steel and iron ore market study and evaluation of product mix options
- Due diligence for financing of a greenfield green steel project
- Decarbonisation roadmap and strategy
- 2018
- Strategic advice on seaborne coke export market opportunities for a leading Chinese coke producer
- Regional analysis and outlook for Chinese fertilizer import export volumes for a strategic port investment
- Megatrends shaping up commodities markets
- Measuring Tax Policy Distortions in the Mining Sector
- Looking for value in tailing dams a multi commodity market assessment
- Lithium Industry Overview
- Fibre optic cable study
- Evaluation of sulphuric acid marketing strategy
- Evaluation of global nickel resources
- Assist one of the largest Chinese SOE in developing its aluminium industry strategy plan (1)
- Assessing macro-fiscal risks from commodity price volatility
- An export strategy for the mining equipment, technology and services sector
- Strategic advice on seaborne coke export market opportunities for a leading Chinese coke producer
- 2019
- Increasing aluminium slab casting capacity by sourcing secondary aluminium
- Understanding costs of new nickel sulphate supply in South East Asia
- Thermal coal long term outlook with focus on Indonesia
- The Extent and Impact of Counterfeits on Wire and Cable
- Strategic advice: an ammonia and urea plant versus a methanol plant
- Coal: analysing the key drivers for quality price differentials
- Battery metals investment strategy for long-term security of raw materials
- A specialty fertilizer producer evaluates an investment opportunity in high-solubility NPK capacity
- Increasing aluminium slab casting capacity by sourcing secondary aluminium
- 2020
- 2021
- Data driven M&A prioritisation and targeting
- Negotiation support for marketing and intermediation fees
- Analysing water demand and infrastructure requirement in the Chilean mining sector
- Mining industry strategy development plan in Central Asia
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Impact Assessment
- Recycling metal marketing study
- Long term Chinese steel and scrap sector outlook
- ESG and portfolio diversification
- Steel decarbonisation scenario analysis
- Data driven M&A prioritisation and targeting
- 2022
- 2023
- 2017
- Designing investment strategies that take account of commodity cycles
- Developing a realistic view of future Scandium consumption
- Explosives demand in Africa
- Heavy metals in the European phosphates market
- Latin America Coal Market Study
- Lithium market IPO
- Magnetite Concentrate Market Study
- Market Research on Optical Fibre Production
- Phosphate rock price intelligence and support
- Potassium Sulphate Market Strategy
- Preparing clients for future uncertainties using scenario analysis
- Chinese steel cost structure
- Cobalt Market Strategy Support
- Cobalt product portfolio strategy
- River Transport of Bauxite
- Strategic planning in the Refined Ferromanganese sector
- Understanding long term interaction of Copper project key drivers through fully integrated scenarios
- Understanding the Chinese steel market at a provincial level to help our client form an investment thesis
- Designing investment strategies that take account of commodity cycles
- Potash Market Entry Study
- Strategy Development
- Communities
- Metals and Mining
- Fertilizers, Chemicals and Raw Materials
- Sustainability and Energy Transition
- Events and Training
- Webinar: Will 2025 see the long awaited recovery in aluminium demand?
- CRU Aluminium Industry Training
- SMU Steel Hedging Training Course
- SMU Steel 101 Training 2025
- Refcomm Training Europe 2024
- Refcomm Training USA 2025
- Refcomm Expoconference 2025
- RefComm Europe Conference & Exhibition 2024
- Ferroalloys USA Connection Summit 2025
- Fertilizer Latino Americano Conference 2026
- CRU Phosphates+Potash Expoconference 2025
- Middle East Sulphur Conference MEScon 2025
- CRU Sulphur + Sulphuric Acid Conference and Exhibition 2024
- CRU Nitrogen+Syngas Expoconference 2025
- CRU Nitrogen+Syngas USA Expoconference 2025
- CRU Silicon Market Forum 2025
- CRU World Optical Fibre & Cable Conference 2024
- CRU Wire & Cable Connections Summit 2025
- CRU Ferroalloys Europe Connections Summit 2025
- Tampa Steel Conference 2025
- CRU Steel Decarbonisation Summit 2024
- SMU Steel Summit 2025
- CRU World Copper Conference Asia 2025
- CRU World Aluminium Summit 2025
- CRU World Copper Summit 2025
- Webinar: Will 2025 see the long awaited recovery in aluminium demand?
- Newsletters and Magazines
- Thought Leadership
- Sustainability
- On track? EU to further ambitions of Fit-for-55 with REPowerEU
- COP26 and commodities: What to expect?
- European lawmakers progress on revised ETS and CBAM
- Where next for electric vehicle markets?
- The only way is up for carbon prices
- Grid storage is an underestimated topic
- EU 2030 emission targets need a carbon price of ~€140 /tCO2
- China’s new ETS a ‘sleeping giant’
- 100 days to COP27
- COP26: Genuine progress or hot air?
- Understanding carbon prices
- Hard-to-abate sectors could pay for limited progress at COP27
- Revised ETS and CBAM will drive costs higher and emissions lower
- How the EU is responding to the green challenges
- High energy prices help, not hinder, decarbonisation
- Commodity markets will need to adapt to sustainability disclosures
- Australian industry to face tighter emissions caps
- Commodity markets will be transformed by high carbon prices
- Indian solar is not cheap – it is simply subsidised
- The race to dominate future green markets
- CBAM locks in cost disadvantage for EU steel
- Global green policies and commodity markets
- Listen: CRU Sustainability podcast – The Big Questions
- Demystifying green premia
- USA needs more incentives beyond the IRA to meet its climate targets
- Green transition will disrupt steel trade flows
- The myth of ‘excess’ steel capacity
- CBAM: a blunt tool to “level the playing field”
- Spanish solar not as cheap as auction prices suggest
- Financial speculation in the EU ETS – just a rumour?
- China's 2030 emissions target is within reach, but more is needed thereafter
- Can the EU achieve its climate ambitions despite headwinds?
- Weather: A key factor in commodity markets
- Commodity markets will need to adapt to new financial disclosures on climate and biodiversity
- Green ammonia fuel faces three big challenges
- Decarbonisation: its threats and opportunities
- Top 10 sustainability calls for commodity markets in 2023
- COP26 – crunchtime for commodity markets?
- Chinese electric vehicles pose a formidable challenge to the Western automotive industry
- The EU renewable targets are ambitious, but are they unrealistic?
- COP27 - What has changed and why it matters
- Still fit for 55? The EU’s climate package one year on
- Drivers to zero
- Can we expect less disruption from weather in 2023?
- War in Ukraine reshapes European energy policy
- Energy from green hydrogen will be expensive, even in 2050
- The cost of decarbonising European steel is high
- Carbon pricing schemes - only for the rich?
- A new Sustainability series
- Carbon capture economics: Why $200 /tCO2 is the crucial figure
- Climate change: it is (nearly) all about money
- CRU shares thoughts on 'green' steel
- EU “Fit for 55” package: limited carbon cost shock for commodity markets
- EU-approved price cap reduces profits for inframarginal electricity producers
- Long road ahead to change electric vehicle markets
- Midterm elections to determine second half of Biden’s presidency
- Chinese government tightens ETS benchmarks for power generators, but offers generous exemptions
- The life of your mine may be shorter than you think
- Nature and biodiversity - the next big thing?
- Proposed revisions to the EU’s ETS: impact on maritime transport costs
- Where next for climate policy discussions at COP 27?
- Focus on biodiversity will require miners to adapt
- Intermittency issues power uncertainty ahead of COP26
- On track? EU to further ambitions of Fit-for-55 with REPowerEU
- Blogs
- 2017
- Our Fertilizer analysts go the extra mile
- The decline in vehicle ownership and its impact on metals
- The CRU: The trusted and established steel sheet benchmark
- CRU Fertilizer cost services for strategic planning, benchmarking and pricing strategies
- COP21, Climate Policy and Competitiveness in Steel and Base Metals
- Can ride hailing with electric vehicles solve future Chinese car congestion
- New Energy Vehicles in India
- The rise of protectionism and the steel industry
- Trump’s 232 investigation turns to Aluminium
- Mongolia slowly but surely digging itself out
- Mining and Metals Industry Observer
- Made in China 2025
- Is solar power cheaper than coal?
- Is 2017 a turning point for West African fertilizer demand?
- Global Graphite Electrode Multi-Client Study
- Finding reliable prices in volatile markets
- Fertilizer Week’s Short-Term Forecasts
- Fertilizer Week: Real time news and weekly pricing
- Does “range anxiety” matter for Copper demand?
- Do commodity prices matter in Central and Latin America?
- CRU Fertilizers is the most highly rated provider of analysis and prices in the world
- Our Fertilizer analysts go the extra mile
- 2018
- Will polyhalite disrupt the fertilizer industry?
- What does a low carbon transition mean for economic development in mining rich countries
- Manganese metal price hikes – a storm in a teacup
- Industrial economic outlook survey: Reality check
- India – a steel giant in the making
- How Chinese scrap bans are transforming global metal flows
- Drop in Safrinha corn area will cap Brazillian fertilizer demand
- CRU’s Russian field trip confirms strong prospects for fertilizer demand
- Will polyhalite disrupt the fertilizer industry?
- 2019
- Why China auto industry is running out of gas
- What to expect from the EU Steel safeguard measures
- Top 10 Calls For 2020
- The sun is setting on the US expansion
- The price of polluting is about to take off — will you be affected?
- Optical fibre and cable industry review
- Opportunities and challenges of renewable power for miners
- Is the auto industry driving EU steel sheet demand towards a cliff
- Industrial economic outlook survey Clients enter 2019 with caution
- European producers must adapt to high ETS prices as a new normal
- EU ETS compensation rules are changing – how will you be affected?
- Economic Themes for 2019
- Clouds in the Fed’s crystal ball means dollar strength will persist
- China stimulus 2018 19 less positive for commodities demand than the past
- Brazilian Miners Look to Government to Support Investment Decisions
- Why China auto industry is running out of gas
- 2020
- When should idled steel capacity be restarted?
- Top NPK market forecasts for 2020
- The future of green premia: a multi commodity perspective
- Our Top Ten calls for 2021
- Optical fibre and cable industry review
- Multi Commodity Outlook
- Macro survey results Not the roaring twenties
- How the coronavirus affects global commodity markets
- Global outlook: customers top 10 questions answered
- Five features of the pandemic recovery
- EU Steel: Why carbon matters more with Covid-19
- CRUs US Midwest HRC price - Proudly serving the market for 40 years
- China’s net zero carbon emissions target: perspectives on past policies
- Are asset managers actively greening their mining and metals portfolios?
- When should idled steel capacity be restarted?
- 2021
- 2017
- 2015
- 2016
- Aluminium rollers shifting product portfolios to remain competitive
- A little more in China, but India the real growth engine
- Will Trump’s appointment produce longer-term positivity for alloying materials?
- Will China become a net scrap exporter?
- Why are SXEW mines more prone to shutdowns?
- What nickel price is required to meet long-term demand?
- Update on long products related trade barriers in India
- Trump in the White House: What is the impact on the US steel industry?
- Thermal coal demand in a 2 degree world
- The impact of the removal of the EU trade case on Chinese fasteners
- The impact of Donald Trump on US Economy and Aluminum Markets
- The emergence of Malaysia as a major hub for manganese ferroalloy production
- The Chinese coal industry: How to solve the problem of oversupply
- The changing coal tar supply-demand dynamics
- Surge in Chinese prices prompts steps to cool speculation
- Sulphur Fertilizers - Growth Potential
- State control of South African sheet pricing
- South and Central American metallic wire and cable demand falling short of expectations
- Silk Road yellowcake trade and its impact on Chinese stockpiles
- Shift-to-quality in the iron ore market
- Scrap price rally has greater support this time
- Proposed increase in iron ore lease payments pushes Western Australia politics into the spotlight
- Pricing behaviour and Chinese steel
- Notes regarding European auto contract negotiations
- Metallurgical Coal price rally: will Chinese production controls continue?
- Long-term thermal coal demand in China and other emerging markets
- Korean steel plate mills – closures ahead?
- JISCO's dependence on the third party alumina market
- Interest rates and gold
- Indian trade barriers update: Government replacing MIP with anti-dumping duties in a phased manner
- India: Demonetisation of currency and its implications
- How successful is the NBS policy?
- How do acid prices affect smelter revenues in different regions of the world?
- Has zinc’s bull market started?
- Environmental tightening in China and the impact on the calcined coke market
- Dissecting the post US election shake up of the copper market
- CRU's visit to key potash mines in China
- Cost deflation renders the majority of uranium mines cash positive in 2015
- Copper blister surplus emerges as smelter production growth outpaces electro-refined
- Consolidation: The fastest way to get South Africa’s idled ferrochrome capacity back into action
- Cobalt’s future in Chinese EVs
- Cobalt: Tightness looms for the new 100,000 tonne market
- Chinese smelter capacity to continue growing despite a tightening copper concentrates market
- Chinese mine costs: Primary research
- Chinese aluminium ingot inventory: the facts
- China’s investigation on square bar exports
- China’s accumulation problem: the coming scrap age
- China: Era of cost deflation is over for primary aluminium
- Aluminium rollers shifting product portfolios to remain competitive
- A little more in China, but India the real growth engine
- Aluminium rollers shifting product portfolios to remain competitive
- 2017
- Winter production cuts in China heat up steel prices
- Can China consolidate sulphur imports via TGO
- ASEAN's wire and cable market still on the up
- Anti-coal mining cycle
- Ammonia prices heavily influenced by Black Sea developments
- Alloy surcharges set to collapse
- Aiming for the sky in Uttar Pradesh
- A granular analysis of China’s housing market
- 5G network construction: a key factor in global fibre and cable forecasts
- Winter production cuts in China heat up steel prices
- Winter policy warming anode and petroleum coke prices
- Will China’s recent NEV policies lead to a new industry being created in Australia?
- Why steel scrap and imports drive German rebar prices
- Who will claim the Copperbelt?
- What does unwinding the Federal Reserve's bloated balance sheet have in store for gold?
- US UAN exports take market share
- US crop tour reveals good fertilizer prospects for 2018
- US closures to trigger a large jump in ingot imports and higher US Midwest ingot premiums in 2017
- The world’s largest stainless steel producer just got bigger
- The next wave of Australian pellet feed
- Sensitivity of bulk steelmaking raw materials markets to Chinese operating rates
- Section 232 will squeeze EAF margins
- Section 232 investigation will increase steel prices
- Scrap prices will come under pressure from electrodes shortage
- Rollers driving down costs to achieve higher returns
- Restructuring the Chinese coal sector and its impact on thermal coal costs
- Prospects for sheet demand in Asia
- Prospects for global over-capacity and the Chinese steel industry
- Production set to commence at K+S Legacy amid decade-low potash prices
- Potassium Sulphate markets see major price divergence
- Phosphate rock margins squeezed as tighter EU regulation looms
- One Belt One Road, but two commodity outlooks
- New sulphur supply from Qatar and Iran is some way off
- Making sense of Chinese aluminium smelter closures
- LME reforms: More evolution than revolution
- Korea Zinc Co. dominates the lead market
- Is pig iron production in northern Brazil at an end?
- Induction furnaces closures: limited upside for hot metal production
- Indian auto recycling growth may reduce reliance on steel scrap imports
- Import penetration of iron ore into China
- Implications of The Aluminum Association's tough stance on Chinese imports
- Implications of Indonesia’s Decision to Relax the Nickel Ore Export Ban
- How high carbon wire rod prices avoided sharp volatility
- How competitive are Mexican silver mines?
- Harvey and Irma’s impact on the US Aluminium Market
- Hard coking coal to fuel steel growth in India
- Growth emerging as a key corporate priority in mining and metals in 2017
- Graphite electrode prices have risen sharply due to supply tightness in China
- Global lithium supply exceeds expectations despite varying producer fortunes
- Fertilizer price transparency crucial to Africa’s future growth
- EU funds boosting ailing CEE construction to add 1 Mt to steel demand
- Eight months until normal operations can resume after a fire at NSSMC’s Oita plate mill
- Egypt looks to capitalise on its low phosphate rock cost base
- Copper mining costs fell for the third consecutive year
- Cobalt shifts from metal to chemical market
- Coal mining cost inflation to resume
- Chinese withdrawal of iron ore mining licenses to have limited market impact
- Chinese supply cuts: Is aluminium set to be the next coal?
- Chinese steelmaking capacity reduced in 2016, not increased
- Chinese steel: On the brink of structural profitability
- Chinese steel price uplift as industry health improves
- Chinese steel exports: lower volumes, higher prices
- Chinese ferrochrome smelters receive signal to raise production
- Chinese exports of ferrous scrap will not last
- Chinese ammonium sulphate supply growth forces closures and a redistribution of trade
- China’s carbon emission trading scheme and greenhouse gas emission allowance allocation policy
- China's environmental regulations will force nitrogen plant closures
- China steel production and prices lift: EAF producers to benefit?
- China clamps down on scrap importers
- China burns more coal
- Chasing a margin: capacity shifts to NPK
- Can the lead mine project pipeline step up?
- Can China consolidate sulphur imports via TGO
- ASEAN's wire and cable market still on the up
- Anti-coal mining cycle
- Ammonia prices heavily influenced by Black Sea developments
- Alloy surcharges set to collapse
- Aiming for the sky in Uttar Pradesh
- Winter production cuts in China heat up steel prices
- 2018
- Worsening in Russia-Ukraine relations could hit nitrogen market
- Winter in China tightens feedstock supply idling additional urea plants
- Will US aluminium consumers pay for 232 tariffs
- Whyalla’s A$700M investment justified by power security
- Why Germany’s additional road tolls will not drive up costs
- Wanted New aluminium smelters
- Vinachem announces the divestment of its DAP and urea production assets
- US steel mills fortify trade defences with new anti-circumvention actions
- US sanctions on ZTE remain uncertain
- UC Rusal smelters pulled back from the brink
- UC Rusal sanctions fallout to recast the global aluminium market
- UAN trade flows shift in the USA
- Trump’s vehicle tariffs target the heart of the metals sector
- Truck and trailer demand on cruise control
- Tight coal supply in China to continue in 2018
- The rise of China’s giant steel mills - a new era in Chinese consolidation
- The Indian iron ore price will fall from highs with the seaborne price
- The high-grade iron ore premium has peaked
- Strong outlook for European steel in 2018
- Smelter capacity is needed but who is going to pay for it
- Safeguard quotas provide little support to EU stainless prices
- Reflections from CRU Shenzhen technology seminar
- Reflections from CRU China client seminar
- Raw material prices increase Aluminium smelting costs and squeeze margins
- Pandering to the China bears: how much zinc supply is too little?
- NMC 811 adoption in the auto sector hits a speed bump
- NLMK still profitable in slab exports to US
- New solar power sector policy in China to pinch metal demand in 2018
- New horizons for the phosphate market
- New EU waste packaging legislation to strengthen case for aluminium
- Metallurgical coke markets unmoved by trade war tariffs
- Metallurgical coal still extremely profitable but rising costs should not be ignored
- Manganese ore under pressure from loss making Chinese producers
- Lead far from finished in vehicle electrification story
- Keeping costs in check is a challenge for Australian copper mines
- Is China the solution to the World’s surplus ammonia problem
- Iranian steel growth story at risk of coming to a screeching halt
- Insight from China: the trade war and beyond
- Indonesia sets sights on increased nickel capacity to meet battery sector demand
- Increased stake in ‘end of life’ copper mine an inspired move
- Impact of EU safeguard tariffs and sanctions on the EU downstream aluminium sector
- IMO MARPOL 2020 creates a generational shock to freight costs
- ICL bets on polyhalite as UK potash production finally ends
- How Trump’s latest trade war moves will hit galvanisers
- How the Inner Mongolian zinc mining market will change
- How low can spot TC/RCs go?
- How food stockpiling for Brexit could cast tinplate as a winner
- How Essar Hazira’s costs influence Indian steel prices
- High purity alumina – removing the separators between Chinese demand and overseas supply
- Graphite electrodes: Panic over? Or worse to come?
- Global fertilizer prices hang on cost of China’s greener future
- Ferroalloy industry cautious on weakening outlook and Trump’s trade war
- EVs could have long-term implications for copper supply as well as demand
- EU to rule on Russia ammonium nitrate anti-dumping duties
- EU measures to mitigate Section 232
- EU ETS reform to increase Aluminium smelting costs by $30/t
- Electric vehicles to transform aluminium demand
- Crunch time looms for US aluminium billet market
- Corporate bond default indicates potential financial risk in Chinese aluminium industry
- CORFO and SQM settlement sees increase supply of Chilean lithium
- Copper price volatility and labour negotiations
- Coal demand continues to rise despite China’s greener drive
- Chinese zinc smelters agree move to increase revenues
- China’s updated ‘Guide’ reiterates quality over quantity as key steel industry focus
- China’s supply-side reform is hurting third-party coke buyers
- China’s Nantong port to close to sulphur imports
- China’s commodity vulnerability
- China reduces NPK tariffs, but will they export?
- China becomes a net importer of hot-rolled coil
- Ceasefire – Trump and Xi postpone US China trade war
- Auto emissions tests are not expected to cut steel demand
- Artisanal mining will balance the cobalt market
- A ‘trade spat’ could shave a percent off global growth
- A price spike with staying power – a look into the vanadium market
- Trump & Xi: Metals and Mining in the Strongman Era
- Supply chain bottlenecks support lithium prices
- Katanga will bring Cobalt market into surplus
- How increased Chinese smelter output could hit the global markets
- Worsening in Russia-Ukraine relations could hit nitrogen market
- 2019
- With cobalt from the DRC rising, tracing the source is vital – could Blockchain tech be the solution?
- Wire and cable market - a Q3 update
- Wire and Cable - Q4 2019 Update
- Wind powers commodities demand
- Will high-cost animal feed phosphate producers survive the cull
- Will carbon border tax adjustments represent a new frontier in trade policy
- Why would Jingye Group buy British Steel?
- Why the right technology option is essential for new steelmaking projects
- Why steelmakers should make rather than buy metallurgical coke
- Why rare earths are vital for a low carbon economy
- Why Chinese steelmakers are using less scrap in their blast furnaces
- Whose tungsten projects will satisfy growing demand?
- What will drive Chinese cobalt metal production
- What is behind the Chinese optical cable contraction and outlook post 2019
- What does vertical integration in the fertilizer value chain mean for producers’ strategies
- What does the surprise abolition of China’s potash export tariff mean for the global SOP market
- Wengfu and Kailin mega phosphate merger nears completion
- Watch: Presenting CRU’s Alumina Price Index, and introducing LME’s Alumina futures contract
- Vanadium prices face a turbulent 2019
- Vales dam accident to have significant impact on the iron ore market
- US-Turkey sanctions will overshadow 50 steel import tariff
- US mini-mill costs drop below integrated mill costs…but for how long?
- US government shutdown: implications for growth and policy
- Understanding US iron ore production
- Trump takes next battle in trade war to auto sector
- Tin’s ‘new energy’ potential at risk as supply concerns grow
- The twilight of British Steel
- The real cost of CO2 to European steel
- The Federal Reserve cuts interest rates and embraces less clarity
- Steel Prices always rise in September… don’t they
- Steel billet trading ban in Egypt
- South Korea a key player in international lead and battery markets
- Phosphate bears, potash caution and urea the standout performer – IFA 2019
- North America’s ‘Fertilizer Three’ set optimistic tone for 2020… but caution is urged
- Nornickel to help fill Class 1 supply gap but more investment needed
- New year present for OEMs – China relaxes EV battery requirements
- New needle coke capacity is coming, but what other factors must be considered?
- New era for commodity demand
- Needle coke market under pressure: is there an end in sight
- National People’s Congress 2019: the year of lower growth and modest stimulus
- Molybdenum demand unaffected by short-run oil price volatility
- Modi’s second term signals stability for India
- Lithium prices crash through $10,000 as hype meets reality
- Lithium miners blink first in face of falling prices
- Lithium downtrend continues as fundamentals prevail
- Italy takes its first step on a gold-paved path to economic recovery
- Indonesian stainless steel exports likely to be hit by updated safeguards
- Indian stainless flat import probe and rationale behind it
- India faces iron ore shortage with mine auctions on the horizon
- Impact of new Chinese high voltage lines on coastal thermal coal demand
- HR coil price volatility: Buckle up with leading contract options
- How to make iron ore investment decisions in times of uncertainty
- How the ‘fair value’ of coal assets is affected by commodity cycles
- How IMO 2020 will impact sulphur supply
- How declining prices and weaker fundamentals are affecting the Ferroalloys market
- How China’s role in reshaping the US aluminium rolling sector could drive major investment
- How ASI certifications impact the aluminium market
- Global lithium demand to double by 2024
- From V to U a US recession would prolong industrial slowdown
- Fresh monetary stimulus unlikely to help Draghing Eurozone economy
- Expect India to rebound in 2020 5 growth is not the new norm
- Excess supply looms in the USA
- End-of-life EV battery recycling
- Could a green light for United Wambo’s signal a stop sign for other thermal coal projects
- Copper retains the commodity crown
- Copper conundrum invest now to maximise future profit or await price recovery but risk missing out
- Coal import restrictions hurt Chinese coke makers
- Chinese uranium stockpiles limit spot price upside
- Chinese coke capacity to fall in the coming decade
- China’s tax reform and impact on aluminium market
- China’s potash and phosphate industries face an early mid-life crisis
- China’s changing coal landscape crucial to global urea outlook
- China plans to come from behind to win the global battery recycling industry, thanks to new policies
- China EV subsidies face major decline in 2019
- China discourages Australian coal imports
- Carbon capture and storage in China
- Buried treasure or damp squib Undersea mining’s challenges and opportunities
- Australia lithium supply surges as miners target EV demand
- Argentina faces economic uncertainty following Peronist triumph at the ballot box
- Aluminium VAP a complex route to better smelter margins
- Aluminium extrusion firms reinforce focus on high value-added products
- A solid Q3 for Chinese SOP exports points to weak domestic market
- With cobalt from the DRC rising, tracing the source is vital – could Blockchain tech be the solution?
- 2020
- With congress divided, Biden's ambitions will be limited
- Wire and Cable – Q1 2020 Update
- Wire and Cable in Renewables, a four part series
- Wire and cable - Q2 2020 Update
- Whose assets will become stranded by carbon pricing
- What happened with China's monetary policy during the Holiday season
- What does Covid-19 mean for South African Chromium supply and logistics
- What do South African restarts mean for chrome ore prices
- Water - a major disrupter to copper supply
- V, U and L: Demystifying recession shapes
- USMCA should support regional aluminium demand but not without complications and risks
- US unemployment in the time of coronavirus
- US trade actions now aimed at the heart of the power grid sector
- Understanding the Chinese cost floor 2
- Understanding the Chinese cost floor 1
- Understanding nickel usage in lithium batteries
- The world in 2050: largely unaffected by Covid-19
- The rare earths ‘basket problem’ is intensifying
- The immense decarbonisation challenge facing the steel industry
- Supply reaction required to prevent looming lithium deficit
- Silver is not for the fainthearted
- Saudi-Russia price war begins as oil crashes 30
- Rising demand and price premiums driving water soluble fertilizer industry growth
- Re-thinking the Covid-19 cycle: a scenario-based approach
- RCEP will deepen Pacific economic integration
- Optical fibre and cable industry review
- Novel coronavirus; Key implications for battery metals
- New EU auto emissions targets and their impact on steel demand
- New capacity set to test potassium sulphate price resilience
- Month of lockdown lowers annual GDP by 2-3%
- Mining and Metals to Outperform?
- Metallic Wire & Cable: Next year’s demand rebound is still at risk
- Lithium hydroxide prices firm due to Coronavirus
- Lead price looking to end 2020 on a high
- Latest evolutions in the European safeguards and its impact on the steel industry
- Is South Africa’s chrome ore tax a global game changer?
- India: lockdown casts a spell on growth as recession looms
- Impact of the Wuhan coronavirus on the steel industry
- Impact of the novel coronavirus on the optical fibre industry
- IMO 2020 – lower sulphur means higher freight rates
- How will the mining industry invest over the next five years
- How Russian steelmakers could capitalise in a post Covid-19 world
- How foreign exchange movements have affected the chrome market
- Houston, we've had a problem – US oil price goes negative
- HDG futures: a game-changing tool for steel mills, service centres and end users
- Green ammonia: Pathways to successful project development and financing
- Gold entering unchartered waters as price surpasses 2011 record
- FX depreciations cause phosphate rock costs to tumble
- Future of Mount Isa copper smelter open to question
- Five critical uncertainties facing the steel raw materials market due to Covid-19
- Fed revise up US outlook, interest rates stay at zero until 2023
- Explosives demand growth contingent on 2021 coal recovery
- EVs and Covid-19: any more than a bump in the road?
- Eurozone growth momentum to slow but industry fares better
- European Aluminium rollers in the eye of the storm caused by another US dumping investigation
- Economic impact of Wuhan coronavirus
- CRU’s bold calls on China stimulus were right
- CRU’s 5G progress tracker-Oct2020
- CRU’s 5G progress tracker
- CRU potash cost service examines CO2 emissions in the industry
- CRU Fertilizers Top 10 calls for 2020 Mid-year review
- CRU explains how to understand India’s complex carbon emissions problem
- Covid-19 is spreading through the auto industry
- Covid-19 and fertilizers: Five things you need to know
- Covid-19 and chrome ore prices – why accuracy counts now more than ever
- Coronavirus: what is the likely impact on copper smelting?
- Coronavirus to ensure greater Chinese lead dip
- Coronavirus to cause protracted disruption to transport and labour
- Coronavirus putting pressure on iron ore prices
- Chinese EV sales hit by the Covid-19 outbreak
- China’s first ever negative quarterly GDP growth
- China to announce more than RMB5 tn of stimulus
- China Mobile tender awards cement record low prices
- China finally settles new potash contract – but will it stop the spot market rot
- China announces ambitious plans for carbon neutrality before 2060
- China aluminium scrap importers adapt to new rules
- China aluminium recovery train hits high gear as the West jumps aboard
- Calcined petroleum coke prices under-performing vs LME and SHFE
- Brexit trade deal: a moving precipice
- Beirut explosion puts ammonium nitrate in the spotlight
- Battery metals review of 2019 price drivers and themes for 2020
- Abidjan or Andalucia? NPK trade altered as OCP and PhosAgro strategies cross paths
- With congress divided, Biden's ambitions will be limited
- 2021
- Zinc demand to benefit from growth in renewables
- Wire And Cable – Q3 2021 Update
- Wire and cable - Q4 2021 update
- Wire & cable forecasting platforms revamped
- Why have silicon prices surged?
- When will stainless prices fall from multi-year highs?
- When economic recovery meets policy activism
- What is the role of coke oven technology under decarbonisation targets?
- What if China terminates stainless import duties?
- US BFs positioned to supply domestic pig iron
- Understanding ESG issues for base metals supply – and how we can meet the challenge
- Understanding carbon intensity is crucial to lower CO2 emissions
- There is nothing ‘super’ about this commodities cycle
- The missing pieces in the battery puzzle - Part 1
- The challenges of managing critical materials supply chains
- The aluminium can: from flat line to flat out
- Technical Carbon Jargon Buster
- Surprise India potash contract price change gives Chinese importers a dilemma
- Subsea HV+EHV cable demand set to take off
- Steel mill margins hit by European electricity prices
- Steel industry CEO perspectives, forecasts, and decarbonisation
- South Africa’s chrome ore tax; a potential two-edged sword
- Scrutinising the lithium technology boom - Part 1
- Score at half-time: will the strong recovery continue?
- Royalty in Chile: a serious challenge for any new investment decisions
- Record prices further enhance adoption of CME Group’s HRC steel futures contract
- Public - Fertilizer producers post strong Q1 earnings – but will the good times roll on?
- Policy, trade and decarbonisation take centre stage at CRU’s Jakarta Seminar
- Offshore wind and steel: a huge mutual dependency
- New German government policy to positively impact cable demand
- Low-emission ammonia – flying up the hype cycle
- Lithium iron phosphate batteries breathe new life into specialty phosphates market
- Limited scope of latest EU sanctions deals BPC a reprieve
- Key insights from CRU Breakfast 2021
- Is steel trade becoming members only?
- Iron ore rallying to over $200 /dmt
- Iron ore at $140 /dmt – what is driving the fall?
- Inflation fears are premature
- Indonesia’s Copper Transition
- How the EU CBAM will shape emissions costs
- Hot-rolled coil steel price cycle: Anatomy of a record price rise and implications for the future
- Guinea coup ignites uncertainty in bauxite
- Fertilizer industry takes leap of faith on green ammonia
- Evergrande: no longer so grand
- Evaluating the nitrogen industry’s carbon challenge
- Emission control accelerates pace of inert anode development
- Electric vehicles, renewables, and Covid-19: what next for base metals demand?
- Easing China’s Green petroleum coke prices apply downward pressure on Calcined Petroleum Coke market
- Dry bulk freight rates surge amid 'crazy' market
- Does 2021 ammonium sulphate price rebound affirm synthetic capacity investment decisions?
- Decarbonisation challenges in the steelmaking industry
- CRU Zinc – Top Ten Calls of 2021
- CRU Wire and Cable’s Top 10 Calls for 2021
- CRU Precious Metals - Top Ten Calls of 2021
- CRU Molybdenum - Top ten calls of 2021
- CRU Fertilizers – Top Ten Calls of 2021
- CRU explains: How Tangshan influences the global steel market
- CRU explains: how quality of copper concentrate impacts smelter emissions
- CRU explains: How our data services can help in M&A
- CRU Copper – Top Ten Calls of 2021
- CRU Copper Scrap - Top Calls of 2021
- CRU Copper Concentrates – Top Ten Calls of 2021
- Could suspension of EC rolled products tariffs mark a changing of the tide?
- Copper’s inflation ride
- Chinese ‘rare earth management’ regulations re-escalate global supply chain tensions
- Chinese real estate: the short and the long
- China’s ‘Two Sessions’ – expect smaller stimulus
- China’s production cuts are tightening the steel market
- China’s policy toolkit to ensure liquidity and stability
- China’s continued ban on Australian coal causes havoc
- China’s burning need for power
- China’s 2060 carbon neutral goal: What the metals industry can expect from emissions policies
- China's 14th FYP: Ambitious innovation targets but climate policy disappoints
- China set to reduce steel output in 2021 H2
- China removes VAT rebate on steel exports
- China power shortage: Cuts will persist despite improving coal supply
- China Mobile tender awards provide boost to prices
- China Mobile release details of 2021 22 tender
- China macro targets bring small surprises
- Beware the bubble – this is no commodity price supercycle
- Auto-related zinc demand stuck in the slow lane
- Another La Niña year – what it means for steel and coal
- 2022 copper TC RC benchmark set at 65 6.5
- Zinc demand to benefit from growth in renewables
- 2022
- 2023 – The complexity of decision-making multiplies as we face a global materials transition
- Sticky inflation? The upside risks to our current inflation forecast
- Geopolitical fragmentation to lead to oil market changes
- Carbon price to remain stable despite higher energy demand
- Natural gas is not the only threat to higher electricity prices
- Battery Demand for Vanadium From VRFB to Change Vanadium Market
- Cooling US housing market holds back construction growth
- Economic output and nuclear drive carbon price
- CRU Partners with Agora, offering transparency in emissions data
- China’s public construction softens private property woes
- Lead and Zinc costs in the year of soaring inflation
- Copper costs in the year of soaring inflation
- Inventories are recovering: good or bad news?
- EV growth driven by demand, US federal and state legislation
- Drifting away from the post lockdown price bell curve
- CRU partners with RMI to support the Steel industry’s transition to net-zero
- Poor industry output, higher storage lowers carbon price
- EU power prices are diverging
- Gloomy industrial outlook distresses near-term EU carbon price
- Nickel costs in the year of soaring inflation
- European industries will lose a lot from the Ukraine war
- More gas-to-coal shifting will support the EUA price in August
- Nitrogen demand slump leads to 72 trillion calories of lost food production
- China – an outlier in the global auto market
- EU carbon price lift expected over next 28 days
- Europe’s construction sector is facing growing headwinds
- US construction boom for 2022 is cancelled
- More coal use and climate vote will lift carbon price
- China’s infrastructure is going green
- Excess savings: a tailwind, but not a jet engine
- Auto sector worries are no longer just about the supply side
- Natural gas-intensive business models under threat in the steel industry
- China’s lockdowns will contribute to a cut in global oil demand
- Unsolicited offers emerge for US Steel buyout
- North American scrap demand to surge as new facilities come online
- Guinea mining set for further growth with industry co-operation
- US sheet price volatility has peaked
- What our clients expect for 2023
- Outlook for 2023
- Watch: Chris Houlden on CRU Analysis Outlook for 2023
- Watch: Alex Tuckett on CRU Economics Outlook for 2023
- 2023 Steel Expectations & Outliers
- CRU Fertilizers – Top Ten Calls of 2023
- UK Critical Minerals Strategy tops agenda as industry and government pull together
- US cable firms perform well in new Global Financial Dashboard
- Our top 10 calls for 2023
- How India has avoided the repeat of 2021 power shortages in 2022
- High volatility for silicon persists as futures contracts are to launch in China
- Watch: EV demand in the automotive sector
- CRU Ferroalloys Conference 2022: An uncertain road to market recovery
- Market fundamentals to dramatically affect 2023 steel contracts
- Commodity prices sliding into 2023 and beyond
- Successful Dusseldorf event cannot hide market unease
- Bare fibre prices: recent trends and CRU’s outlook
- Europe nitrogen capacity closure and cost tracker
- Over a third of wire and cable companies in CRU's leadership board were reclassified in 2021
- India will export liquid coal tar pitch from 2023 Q1
- Chile royalty reform: new administration and a new, more hawkish proposal
- Construction and electrification drive UK cable demand growth
- Green Premiums on aluminium
- The Vogue moment for electric vehicles?
- Aluminium LME cash price exhibits peak volatility
- CRU Webinar: War in Ukraine – The impact on commodity markets - Q&A update
- Uncertain Supply Picture in Technical Carbon
- China grew by 4.8% as Omicron lockdowns cloud the economy
- EU to ban Russian coal imports – what are the alternatives?
- FT Commodities Summit recap: market fragility and green premiums in focus
- China’s fiscal spending kickstarts investment amid Covid-19 risks
- Strong Q4 results, despite rising costs and ongoing Aero and Auto weakness
- Scrutinising the lithium technology boom – Part 3
- LME suspends nickel trading
- CRU’s top battery metals themes to watch in 2022
- Mapping Russia's base metals trade
- Australian supply risks keeping iron ore prices elevated
- North America’s ‘green’ nickel drive hits supply gap challenge
- CRU Wire and Cable’s Top 10 Calls for 2022
- The close link between costs and silicon prices
- Magnet making competitiveness relies on government support
- Energy transition driving unprecedented growth in technical carbon demand
- China’s pathway to net-zero: implications for industries
- Peak of the price cycle? Multi Commodity Outlook
- CRU Fertilizers – Top Ten Calls of 2022
- Scrutinising the lithium technology boom – Part 2
- What is the price of decarbonising blast furnaces?
- HDG futures may be a smart way to manage steel price risk exposure
- Metal prices would surge on Russian sanctions
- The missing pieces in the battery puzzle - Part 2
- What our clients expect in 2022
- How can the nitrogen industry tackle emissions?
- China’s 2021 GDP growth marginally exceeds expectations
- 2023 – The complexity of decision-making multiplies as we face a global materials transition
- 2023
- Carbon price will be stable over the next month
- World trade is stagnating as trade barriers mount
- Carbon price stable in the next four weeks, but with upside risks
- Competing with China in green tech will not be easy
- US antidumping investigation causes a shock in Europe
- A story of a eurozone recovery
- Carbon price will be stable in the next four weeks with downside risks (November)
- Fiscal takes centre stage
- Chinese Automakers Pivot to Thailand amid EU Probe
- Carbon price will be stable in the next four weeks with downside risks
- ‘Green’ sectors in China buck economic slowdown
- Commodities are on a >3.0°C heating pathway this decade
- Japanese decarbonisation will be challenging
- Carbon price will fall in the next four weeks after an initial lift
- US: A $6.3 billion push to a cleaner industrial sector
- Carbon price will remain stable but some upside risks present
- Dry bulk freight market set for a cautious journey
- What Erdogan’s re-election means for the Turkish economy
- No recession, but low industrial output to keep carbon price in check
- Brazil rate cut could drive auto sales boost
- China’s export sector diversifies away from developed markets
- China’s re-opening offers limited upside for energy demand
- Banking turmoil does not divert the Fed from its path - yet
- Who will benefit from China’s re-opening?
- Gas-to-coal reversal and warm temperatures will push carbon price down
- Carbon price will fall in the next four weeks
- New Energy Vehicle sales rising in a struggling auto market
- Carbon price will rise in the next four weeks
- How China’s households unleash savings is key to recovery
- Why European economies have proven surprisingly resilient
- What can we expect in 2023 as the Baltic Dry Index falters?
- Carbon price will stay stable in the next four weeks
- LMFP battery material will revolutionise energy density and affordability for electric vehicles (1)
- The end of 2023 heralds in a wave of EV policy updates
- US automakers will struggle to qualify for EV tax credits
- Aluminium rolled products: Study of M&A activity in North America
- US Steel buyout is transformative for Nippon Steel and the North American market
- New US sheet capacity will influence 2024 contracts
- UFLPA-related module releases point to downwards pressure on US module prices
- Indian steel prices are likely to face inventory pressure in 2024
- Solar cell technologies: What next, and why?
- Will Tesla’s Cybertruck be a game changer for stainless steel demand?
- Sheet demand will improve in 2024
- Silicon metal: Impact of futures trading on the Chinese market
- Can Indonesia NPI be “green”?
- In the eye of the storm?
- 2024 plate outlook: World ex. China will lead the demand recovery
- Aluminium rolled products: What we can learn from M&A activity in Europe
- Top ten predictions for the world economy in 2024
- Three things to watch in the iron ore market in 2024
- Solar cost reductions now rely on new materials and technologies
- Higher bid price should encourage UK offshore wind
- US sheet output to rise on full order books and new capacity
- LME Week 2023 | CRU Breakfast Recording - Navigating Energy Transition
- Regulatory stick or premium carrot: Green premia are driving the early stage of decarbonisation
- What impact will the new Russian export duty have on zinc mine costs?
- Is green hydrogen development nearing its ‘messy middle’?
- LME Week 2023 | CRU Breakfast Recording - Core vs Critical Metals Session
- How to Define a Critical Commodity
- Israel-Gaza conflict poses risks to Israeli fertilizer supply
- Electrical steel – the forgotten material in electrification
- The election effect: How DRC politics impact the cobalt market
- Chinese companies look to Morocco for access to N American and Europe's battery market
- Divergent paths ahead emerge campaign
- Measuring the effects of Section 232 Campaign
- Further mines at risk from low zinc prices
- Hopes of a quick recovery evaporate in 2023
- CBAM opens new chapter in international trade
- Key takeaways from the 2023 SMU Steel Summit
- Divergent paths ahead emerge
- China steel supply cuts: Can 2023 repeat 2021?
- Watch: When will aluminum intensive markets revive the growth trends they experienced in 2021-2022?
- LMFP battery material will revolutionise energy density and affordability for electric vehicles
- Mapping EV Tradeflows: Today's production and trade landscape versus anticipated shifts by 2030
- Overcapacity in China’s battery cell industry will lead to consolidation
- Watch: Fire side chat - LPMO and SSMO
- Chinese car exports are here to stay: lessons from and for steel
- Decarbonisation puzzle needs Africa’s critical pieces
- Zimbabwe’s developing lithium industry is shifting the market balance
- A two-speed economy
- The world economy in 2023: What we’ve got right (and wrong) so far
- LFP growth may require the global purified phosphoric acid industry to double in size
- China Mobile tender awards released within a month since the announcement
- Zinc metal premia have further to fall
- How El Niño will affect the steel supply chain
- Canpotex attempts to set MOP price floor with 2023 China contract
- Global auto industry: resilient growth amid economic uncertainties - We have revised up our short run forecast
- What is the role of ferrosilicon on the route to Net Zero?
- China Mobile releases 2023/2024 tender, finally
- Commodity M&A: Green energy transition drives mining frenzy
- Europe’s demand woes dominate IZA zinc conference in Dublin
- Key takeaways from ICDA Members' Meeting 2023
- Challenges ahead for Japanese scrap industry
- No recovery yet in sight for European scrap
- The solar value chain – opportunities and challenges for Australia
- Glencore, Teck & BHP asset overhauls signal further M&A ahead
- Watch: Trends in Battery Cathode Chemistry Mixes
- European scrap market reaches balance
- Will European windfarm construction face commodity bottlenecks?
- Fertilizer M&A deals spring to life
- Blue ammonia nears cost viability but green to stay pricey
- Trouble ahead for coal miners as ESG and finance challenges grow
- Does the Glencore-Teck bid signal the return of the mining mega deal?
- Morocco mining indaba: A significant phosphates producer
- Guinea mining indaba: A bauxite producer with great potential
- New labour regulation to raise Chilean copper costs
- Energy transition faces commodity challenges
- Scope 3 emissions: a potential pivot for aluminium carbon reduction
- Watch: Iron Ore Outlook
- Enabling decisions in the green steel space that will help shape the future of the steel industry
- How supply dynamics affect the Mexican sheet industry
- Watch: The Role of Natural Gas in European Commodity Markets
- India’s Green Hydrogen Mission: Practicality from a cost perspective
- Morocco: A market mover in phosphates
- Undergrounding of power lines mitigates liability risk in the US
- Indian steel to benefit from investment-led budget
- New projects continue to dominate low-emissions ammonia
- Navigating the rapidly evolving EV battery chemistry mix
- Gold sector consolidation has a long way to go
- Aluminium smelters stung by the escalating costs of carbon products
- What role will natural gas have in European commodity production?
- Guinea: A producer with great potential
- The road ahead for electric vehicles
- China and the green transition: Contextualising today’s rare earths market
- Aluminium MW Premium rises on fundamentals
- Watch: Outlook for 2023 - Steel Sheet Market Q1
- Looking to a turn in the commodity price cycle
- Carbon price will be stable over the next month
- 2024
- Steel: The CRU view on what to expect in 2025
- Long-term outlook of gallium, germanium and antimony remains uncertain
- European IP: Only partial relief expected in 2025
- European prices will rise as CBAM starts to bite
- Decarbonisation trends in global supply chains: A critical look at emissions and carbon removal
- Impact of US Tariffs on Canadian Nickel Industry
- New DRI/HBI supply: key enabler of steel decarbonisation
- Challenges await steel mills with high costs and high emissions
- Will BEV sales in Europe grow next year?
- Different technology pathways to enable steel decarbonisation
- A $600bn bonanza? How the energy transition could boost global industry
- Battery manufacturing: Only the lowest-cost producers will survive
- Top Ten Calls for the world economy in 2025
- Environmental product declarations will need transparent data
- Rising protectionism will change steel exporters’ competitiveness
- Asia Copper Week top ten takeaways 2024
- China navigates debt restructuring ahead of Trump 2.0
- Aluminium Rolled Products: Predicting conversion fees with complex models
- Germany: Government collapse is positive for growth
- China remains the largest tMAP consumer with growing market share
- Challenges in achieving >90% carbon capture: Technical vs. economic factors
- Trump tariff threat signals early start to trade negotiations
- Trump tariffs could stimulate steel demand
- Transmission network expansion: A limiting factor for decarbonisation
- CRU Breakfast 2024 - The Challenge and Cost of Standing Out in Pursuit of Decarbonisation
- CRU Breakfast 2024 - Panel Q&A
- CRU Breakfast 2024 - Commodity Outlooks and Market Analysis
- Is China's green rush a blessing or burden for the EU?
- April anticipates a dip in the carbon price following March surge
- Mining Indaba 2024 – Top 5 Takeaways
- The CRUx of it: Securing Western Decarbonization Value Chains
- CATL looks to avoid the Foreign Entity of Concern designation
- What has COP28 achieved and what’s in store for COP29?
- The CRUx of it: the restructuring of the battery supply chain
- Net-zero is now needed by 2035 to meet the 1.5°C temperature target
- Will fiscal consolidation in the EU constrain the green transition?
- China props up economy with targeted lending
- Watch: A focus on COP28
- The 2024 US elections: what it means for policy
- Key takeaways from CRU’s WOFC conference in Shanghai
- What are voluntary carbon markets?
- Chinese steel market downturns: What sets 2024’s decline apart from 2015?
- Dollar and bond yields rise, metal prices fall as Trump wins election
- Container freight rates soften past the peak season
- From surviving to thriving: Strategic moves by China's battery midstream producers
- RIGI, Rio and DLE: What will shape Argentina’s lithium future?
- India’s power sector emissions will not peak for another decade
- Global Auto Forecast Downgrade: What's Behind the Slowdown?
- CRU Breakfast 2024 - The Forces Defining the Future of Metals
- Harris or Trump: What does it mean for US climate policies?
- Economic tug-of-war: Competing with China’s coastal steel titans
- Decarbonisation will reshape global steel trade flow
- FiberConnect 2024: Unveiling the Booming US Fibre Optic Market
- Net-zero 2050 will lift global power generation by 40%
- Teck and Anglo held firm – could they act now?
- Lithium prices: Where is the highest risk of curtailment?
- Green applications for cable demand will surge to 2030
- Key takeaways from CRU’s Wire and Cable Amsterdam conference
- CRU Ferroalloys Conference 2024: supply disruptions shake the markets
- Will new HV and EHV subsea cable capacities meet global demand?
- Top 10 takeaways from LME Asia Week 2024
- Lithium floods out of Africa as artisanal miners exploit old tin workings
- EU’s tariffs on China-made BEVs will have widespread impacts
- Solar and wind power will lead to big changes in the energy transition
- Indian steel mills most disadvantaged under CBAM
- Indonesia's Strategic Dominance in Nickel
- State policies and clean energy boost India’s cable market
- Has global BEV demand actually slowed down?
- New US tariffs on China may have unintended consequences
- Nucor’s CSP: A disruption to steel sheet market status quo
- China’s phosphate sector proves resilient amid overzealous LFP output
- Collaboration is unlocking China’s Sichuan spodumene supply
- Low-emissions hydrogen and ammonia: weighing the promises and challenges
- More curtailments to come amid battery metal price slump
- Can CATL kickstart Bolivia’s lithium industry?
- Electrification to drive increased transformer demand
- The CRU Advantage: Using Copper cost tools to optimise commercial outcomes
- Fundamental shifts to DRI/HBI trade flows expected due to global steel decarbonisation
- An industry primer for the CRU World Copper Conference
- How will the green steel premia be determined?
- The importance of solar module efficiency: It’s all about the context
- CRUx of it: How is the original (JPN/SK) battery supply chain evolving?
- CRUx of it: Green Premiums and Carbon Penalties
- Key themes from CRU’s discussions with the Korean battery industry
- Green copper: A premium in the form of lower cost of capital
- CRUsteav: A value for emissions abatement on the road to green steel
- Navigating the future: Ensuring stability for UK offshore wind through high carbon prices
- China corners the battery energy storage market
- South Korea’s pivotal role in the battery supply chain
- CRU clients show newfound optimism for 2024
- Aluminium Plaza - CRU's Top 10 aluminium calls for 2024
- Wire and Cable: Top 10 Calls for 2024
- Zinc: Key themes for 2024
- Top calls for the battery market in 2024
- African copper mines to maintain cost competitiveness
- India Budget FY 2025: Further lift in capex will boost steel demand
- Top 10 lead calls for 2024
- Stainless steel industry: Top five calls for 2024
- Grid storage is an underestimated topic
- Watch: CRU Use Cases Series: Copper Tools of the Trade
- Mining Indaba Exclusive: African project development is vital for a sustainable future rooted in critical minerals
- African project development: Vital for a sustainable future rooted in critical minerals
- Watch: Precious Metals: Benefits of an Independent Authority
- SQM and Codelco to join forces in the lithium race
- Top 10 sustainability calls for commodity markets in 2024 – part two
- Sodium-ion batteries will take time to become cost-competitive
- Top 10 sustainability calls for commodity markets in 2024 – part one
- Steel: The CRU view on what to expect in 2025
- 2025
- Zeitenwende 2.0: Sequel has more bang and more bucks
- US tariff policies: Transactional or transformational?
- Trump defunds climate commitments and promotes fossil expansion over green tech
- Mining Indaba 2025 key takeaways
- Trump announces major U-turn on US energy policies
- US potash prices to jump as import tariffs on Canada take effect
- The cost of protectionism: Trade disputes send ripples through commodity markets
- The DRC’s shock cobalt export ban: What to expect
- Aluminium Flat Rolled Products: Monte Carlo simulation for conversion fees in Europe
- S232 tariffs could make stainless steel prices skyrocket
- US steel prices to jump on new Trump tariffs
- Trump’s 25% tariffs would lead to record US MW premium
- Energy transition explained: Top clean technology calls for 2025
- GCC capacity growth will displace imports and could expand exports
- US tariffs on EU goods exports set to be Trump's next target
- Vanadium supply gap looms as Chinese rebar standards tighten amid battery boom
- New trade war looming: China gears up for impact
- Grid upgrades imperative: Renewables shift becoming costly
- CRU launches steel longs price forecast for Turkey
- Mission critical: Closing the supply gap for materials that will shape our future
- India enforces coke import quotas. What happens to met. coal prices next?
- CRU’s data centre forecasting for optical fibre and cable is now live
- Custom vs. integrated copper smelters: Which model will thrive?
- Copper mining: A ~$47 billion opportunity for the Argentinian economy
- CRU’s data centre forecasting for metallic wire and cable makes debut
- Aluminium top calls for 2025
- Zinc top calls for 2025
- CRU clients cite trade and protectionism as major concerns
- Lead top calls for 2025
- Copper top calls for 2025
- The Role of Furnace and Converter Technology in Copper Smelter Economics
- Top fertilizer calls for 2025!
- Precious Metals top calls for 2025
- US Tariffs are the wild card for aluminium in 2025
- Battery Materials top calls for 2025
- Wire and Cable top ten calls for 2025
- Stainless Steel top calls for 2025
- Zeitenwende 2.0: Sequel has more bang and more bucks
- Sustainability
- Seminars
- Webinars
- Commodities
- Industries
- Automotive
- Battery Sector
- Chemicals Sector
- Clean Technologies
- Construction and EPC Contractors
- Consumer Goods and Retail
- Fertilizer Industry
- Financial Services, Investors and Traders
- Government and Policy Makers
- Healthcare Equipment/Infrastructure
- Manufacturing and Fabrication
- Mining and Metal Production
- Power, Energy, Renewables and Utilities
- Professional Services
- Wire and Cable
- Automotive
- Solutions
- Asset Services
- Battery Technology and Cost Model
- Battery Value Chain Service
- Copper Smelting and Refining Asset Service
- Cost Services
- CRU DataLab
- Emissions Services
- Energy Storage Technology and Cost Service
- Fertilizer Services
- Lithium Asset Service
- Low Emissions Hydrogen and Ammonia
- Power Transition Service
- Solar Technology and Cost Service
- Specialty Phosphate Service
- Sustainability and Emissions Service
- Asset Services
- Use Cases
- CRU Breakfast 2024
- Korean Brochure
- About Us
- News
- 2017
- CRU Fertilizers is the most highly rated provider of analysis and prices in the world
- CRU announces launch of Global Graphite Electrode Market Outlook
- CRU launches new NPK Market Outlook
- CRU appoints global and North American Senior Analyst for aluminium
- Fitch and CRU Group announce strategic agreement in Metals and Mining analysis
- CRU publishes the 2017 Ammonium Sulphate Market Outlook
- CRU Aluminium is the market leader for analysis and prices
- CRU Fertilizers is the most highly rated provider of analysis and prices in the world
- 2018
- CRU launches the Lithium Market Outlook Service
- CRU launches annual economics survey for outlook in 2019
- CRU hires new Fertilizer Consultant
- CRU appoints Associate Director for Copper
- CRU expands battery metals prices
- CRU strengthens its presence in China through establishment of WFOE
- CRU Group acquires Steel Market Update
- CRU launches the Global Steel Trade Service
- CRU expands its network by opening Singapore office
- CRU launches Battery Metals Market Outlook
- CRU hires new Head of Nitrogen Analysis
- CRU launches the Lithium Market Outlook Service
- 2019
- Rebecca Gordon becomes CEO of CRU Consulting
- CRU to conduct audit of US Midwest HRC price Data Providers
- CRU successfully completes Underlying Market Conditions Review process
- First trades of CRU-settled LME Alumina contract
- CRU and LQG finalize strategic alliance in Peru
- Network experts from Verizon and Microsoft join the world’s leading fiber companies for the 5th CRU World Optical Fiber & Cable Conference
- Industry leaders convene to focus on trade and productivity across Africa at the CRU Africa Wire Cable & Tube Conference 2019
- CRU announces its support to Arabal 2019
- CRU Consulting Australia commissioned to investigate opaque 99.99 pure alumina
- Mike Rahm joins the CRU Fertilizer team
- CRU China formulates aluminium industry development plan for Chinese government
- Corning Incorporated to host the CRU World Optical Fiber & Cable Conference 2019
- Fitch and CRU Group expand strategic agreement to incorporate Fertilizer Analysis
- CRU turns golden: Celebrating 50 years in commodity research
- CRU appoints David Trafford as new Chief Executive Officer
- CRU releases Copper Long Term Market Outlook to 2035
- CRU completes benchmark assurance review for its leading, transaction-only based, CRU-API (Alumina) price
- Rebecca Gordon becomes CEO of CRU Consulting
- 2020
- World Copper Conference 2020 update
- First trades of the CME’s new U.S. Midwest Domestic Steel Premium Futures contract settled on CRU
- CRU's leading HRC index successfully completes an independent audit of its data providers
- CRU US Midwest HDG coil Price Index to be used in settlement of new CME futures contract
- CRU Group appoints new Chief Financial Officer
- CRU completes another IOSCO independent assurance audit
- CRU appoints new Principal Economist
- CRU appoints new Global Head of Sales and Marketing
- CRU appoints new Global Head of HR
- CRU and AFAP renew African fertilizer and agribusiness development strategic partnership
- Covid-19: A message from CRU Group’s CEO
- Business continuity plans for CRU Prices
- World Copper Conference 2020 update
- 2021
- ResponsibleSteel’s Standard incorporated into CRU’s Emissions Analysis Tool
- CRU supports ING in transitioning its commodity portfolio to net zero
- Copper Mark’s assurance framework incorporated into CRU’s Emissions Analysis Tool
- CRU strengthens its sustainability offering
- CRU appoints new Head of Steel
- CRU and Yagro partner to improve Brazilian fertilizer market transparency
- IIMA and CRU join forces to keep the iron metallics community connected in 2021
- CRU warns: Chinese ‘rare earth management’ regulations are set to re-escalate tensions
- CRU successfully completes another IOSCO independent assurance audit
- CRU launches a one-stop-shop for metals and mining GHG emissions data, cradle to product
- Who Do You Think You Are Jewelry Edition
- Michael Cowden Joins SMU Team
- COP26 and commodities: CRU's coverage of the major climate action conference
- CRU appoints new US Research Manager, Aluminum
- Transparency in aluminium sustainability data advances as CRU signs MoU with ASI
- The Aluminum Association, REED and CRU collaborate on an event
- Fitch Ratings and CRU Group Renew Commitment to Strategic Agreement
- How will Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) variables affect the mining industry?
- CRU appoints new Head of Analysis
- ResponsibleSteel’s Standard incorporated into CRU’s Emissions Analysis Tool
- 2022
- CRU partners with RMI to support the steel industry’s transition to net-zero
- CRU appoints new Head of Sustainability
- CRU collaborates with Global Wind Energy Council on GWEC's flagship Global Offshore Wind Report 2022
- CRU appoints new Regional Director of Sales for MENA
- CRU appoints new Business Development Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa
- CRU Group partners with Refinitiv, offering more access to CRU commodity prices
- CRU partners with RMI to support the steel industry’s transition to net-zero
- 2023
- CRU expands battery metals team with APAC appointment
- CRU expands access to premier pricing data by making it available on the Bloomberg Terminal
- CRU appoints new VP Sales, South America & Country Manager, Chile
- Fitch Ratings and CRU Group Expand Strategic Agreement to Incorporate CO2 Emissions Data
- CRU appoints new Vice President North America to its Base & Battery Metals team
- CRU launches new Sustainability and Emissions Service
- CRU appoints Chief Information Officer to enhance cutting edge data services
- CRU acquires decarbonisation-focused technoeconomic consultancy Exawatt, expanding global energy transition offering
- CRU partners with iGroup to enable research and education professionals to utilise its intelligence
- CRU appoints new Head of Base Metals
- CRU launches new low-emissions ammonia price service
- CRU appoints new Head of CRU Singapore
- Metals and Mining industry pessimistic about global growth, with over half more pessimistic than CRU forecasts
- CRU expands battery metals team with APAC appointment
- 2024
- Strengthening Client Relationships and Industry Expertise in Delhi
- CRU opens new office in Riyadh to support Saudi Vision 2030 and regional growth
- CRU Aluminium Emissions Methodology Now Certified by Minviro
- Bringing Smiles-A Heartwarming Act of Kindness
- CRU Thought Leadership on Tour in Germany
- Delivering Customer Value in Singapore
- CRU Partners with CoalMetal Asia
- CRU Thought Leadership on Tour in Canada
- Celebrating CRU’s Rich Global Diversity: “Fiestas Patrias” in Santiago
- CRU appoints new VP of Sales, EMEAI Region
- CRU Thought Leaders on Tour in South America
- Delivering customer value in Japan
- Supporting International Coastal Clean-Up Day
- CRU Breakfast 2024: Exploring "The Forces Defining the Future of Metals"
- CRU appoints new China Country Manager and VP of Sales
- CRU appoints new Head of North America Analysis for Aluminium
- CRU doubles down on nickel expertise with Australia appointment
- CRU acquires leading fertilizer and chemical industry publications from BCInsight
- Strengthening Client Relationships and Industry Expertise in Delhi
- 2025
- 2017
- Leadership Team
- Locations
- London - Head Office, United Kingdom
- Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Seoul, South Korea
- Pittsburgh - North American Headquarters, United States
- Santiago, Chile
- São Paulo, Brazil
- Beijing, China
- Shanghai, China
- Singapore
- Sydney, Australia
- Mumbai, India
- Tokyo, Japan
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Houston, United States
- London - Head Office, United Kingdom
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- Opportunities
- HR & Payroll Coordinator, Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Management Accountant, Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Senior Finance Analyst, London, United Kingdom
- Finance Manager, Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Finance Assistant, Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Sustainability Analyst, London
- Senior Consultant - Pittsburgh
- Product Modeller
- Principal Consultant - London
- Strategic Account Manager - Pittsburgh
- HR & Payroll Coordinator, Sheffield, United Kingdom
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