The CRU is the trusted and established steel sheet benchmark

Proven through contract-settlement volumes as well as independent research, CRU's US Midwest Hot-rolled Coil Price Index is the most widely used price benchmark in the US steel market. The only transaction-only sheet and plate price assessments in the US market, The CRU helps our customers across the steel supply chain to manage their businesses, by enabling them to protect margins, hedge physical positions and mitigate price risk.

More than a number, The CRU is underpinned by the strength and reputation of our steel prices and analysis, together with our robust methodology and price governance processes. Entirely independent and free from outside influence, CRU is upheld by a foundation built upon relationships, experience, responsibility, and our people. 

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Point of distinction in pricing

CRU has been built on strict methodologies using first-hand data and information to deliver trusted price assessments, steel market forecasts, analysis, costs services and global industry events. 

Our market and price analysis work is largely informed by proprietary models and models developed in-house – an approach distinguished from any other PRA. CRU's steel price assessments are supported by our deep understanding of commodity market fundamentals, our expert macro enconomic analysis and data, and comprehensive view of supply chain operations.

The CRU Timeline

Proud history serving the North American market

CRU has a long-established and proud history of serving the market with its US Midwest HRC price, The CRU. This is reflected in over 40 years of HRC price data, starting back in January 1980 with our first US Midwest price assessment at $326 /s.ton.

The CRU is used in the settlement of CME’s US Midwest Domestic Hot-Rolled Coil Steel (CRU) futures contract and was the first index to have its data providers and methodology audited by a third party. Enabling clients to effectively hedge against price volatility and to manage price risk, CRU-settled contracts are now used further afield in Mexico, Asia and other markets seeking to export to North America.

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